Monday, November 19, 2007

Recipe Monday...because I said

This week promises to be crazy with a capital "Where Is My Prozac?"

I like to simplify things as much as possible during the wild holiday season, and one of my favorite ways to do that is with this recipe. I was surfing through a few years back and wanted a simple, delicious stuffing. I like mine moist but not wet, and full of flavor in every bite. I came across this recipe and it intrigued me because other than the initial sauteeing of vegetables, the whole thing cooks in the crock pot! How great is that? It frees up your oven and your time. You can add or delete any ingredients you wish, which is another great thing about this recipe. I usually chop up all the veggies the night before to get that out of the way. Then if I have time, I may sautee them the night before also, then just refrigerate until the next morning, assemble the rest, and plop it into the ole crockpot. My family absolutely raves about this stuffing, so if they love it, that settles it in my book.

So as my gift to you, here is the link to my favorite stuffing recipe of all thyme! (get it? cuz we're talking about cooking? and thyme is an herb? and I am certainly the only person in the history of ever to come up with that play on words? why aren't you laughing?)

Anyhoo....Happy Turkey Day, ebberbuddy (Ali word) and remember to count your blessings. Speaking of counting, calories consumed during the preparation and clean up of the Thanksgiving meal only count as half. ;)

In honor of the national holiday, here is my domesticated Turkey showing off his wild turkey.


Stacie said...

Hi Missie,

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I just read yours and find you to be rather humorous! I will keep checking back. Oh,and where can I find you on Cafe Mom?


StarvingWriteNow said...

Well, I'm totally jealous. I haven't eaten wild turkey since about ever--sooo tasty...

Looks like you've had a hectic pre-pre-holiday schedule; hope things calm down a bit now you're home.

Happy T-Day!

Robyn said... don't have to pluck that thing, do you?

Becki said...

You are entirely brilliant. I love the idea of this recipe. I can even see throwing in some cooked sausage, as the fat, calorie and sodium content might be too low otherwise.

Missie said...

Hi and thanks for stopping by. I have no idea how you can find me on CafeMom since I am hardly ever there enough to get fluent in where to go...Just come here instead. We like you. And we're nice.

Wild turkey (the bird, people, the bird) can be good, but this one? Eh not so much. Give me Butterball any day.

Now, shall we rethink that question? Do you knooooow me at all? There's your answer.

You are right. The recipe is practically diet in nature. I recommend throwing in half a can of crisco and some actual whale lard for some flavor. :)

~ Our Humble Cottage ~ said...

Hi, first time commenter. I got here via Mel from Amazing Shrinking Mom. I wanted to comment on the photo you have on your sidebar and you asked how do you fix it. I had that problem and found two different fixes for it. The first was easy. When you upload the photo and put it in the template there is a button that says "shrink to fit". Do not click that button! I did that and it stretched my photo just like yours.

The other time I had the problem I had to resize my photo. We have Photo Studio and you can go in and resize it. I had to do this several times for a specific photo but I finally got it to fit nicely.

I hope this helped. I tried to email directly but couldn't find anything on your profile page.

~ Mrs. Louisa Gabrielle ~

Missie said...

Thanks for coming over! I love Mel's blog and meeting new friends from it.

And when I have a spare minute, you know sometime next year, I will do that fixey thing you suggested. If it works and my picture looks skinnier, you may just be my new best friend! ;)