Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Update

I am down 1.6 lbs as of last Wednesday.

I ate a bunch of fudge this weekend.

The fudge wasn't even that good.

I took a long hard look at my stomach a few days ago.

My eyes are still blurry with tears.

I worked out twice in the last four days, then walked about two miles on Saturday, then took Sunday off.

My keister and thighs still hurt.

I bought a great shirt at Coldwater Creek this weekend for $20, only to bring it home and discover it is too big.

Yay on the too big.

I called the store to find out if they had a smaller one.

Um, no. Waaah.

I made a very simple recipe I saw Paula Deen demonstrate. Only four ingredients. Looked delicious.

In reality? Not so much. Waaah again.

Still need to finish painting the "What Happens in Vegas, Stays In Vegas" Red bathroom.

House still not organized to my liking.

Will have husband help color my hair tonight.

Pray, y'all.

The end.


StarvingWriteNow said...

Did that bathroom come with a stripper pole? You could get clean and fit at the same time!

Missie said...


Ha! No it didn't come with the pole. Just with more doors than a bathroom should have and red the shade of the blood that shoots out of my eyes every time I look at it.

Unknown said...

Hi Missie Thanks for visiting my Blog and your right it looks like we're doing the same thing. I'd be glad to be blog buddies with you we can support each other in our efforts with virtual shoulders to cry on when we slide and Celebrations for our successes. Health here we come

Robyn said...

Awww, my poor baby.

If you give me fudge I'll come paint your bathroom any color you want.

Missie said...

And I make killer fudge, too.

Tell you what, come finish painting the bathroom, and I will make you anything you want.

Anonymous said...

Good job with the weight loss, though sorry you couldn't find a shirt in your new, improved size and that the exercise hurts.