Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My life, summed up in picture form

more animals


~Jordyn said...


Elizabeth said...

--Monty Python Moment Follows--

"Your mutha was a ham-stair, and your grandfather stank--of elderberries!!!"

Seriously, though--if I had a picture of my life lately it would be of a pinball--bouncing, bouncing, school, work, home, kid, lauundry, food, bounce bounce bounce...

Hmmm... maybe we should all put up a "my life" picture on our blogs...

Robyn said...

Oh, goodness. That almost isn't funny. I've been a human Hoover the past couple of days.

J said...

Haha, that's a really good one!

Heather said...

I really don't remember how I found you. I like to randomly click on other peoples' blog rolls or links they've found interesting...I'm pretty sure that's how I found you. The link was because of this funny little guy in this picture.

Marcio Tigre Araujo said...

A beleza de uma mulher não está nas roupas que ela veste,
nem no corpo que ela carrega nem na forma que penteia o cabelo...
A beleza de uma mulher deve ser vista nos seus olhos, porque esta é a porta
para seu coração...É o lugar onde o AMOR reside.
maravilhosoooooooooooooo bjsssssssss

Marcio Tigre Araujo said...

heheheheheh maravilha marcio tigre Brasil salvador ba!